fishTop - Select files screen

Version: 3.1.3

A dialog to maintain the list of files to display in the main screen.

"Files" panel

Shows the list of files currently selected.

"List" panel

"Clear" Removes all files from the list.
"Add" Opens a standard file selection dialog, to select files that are appended to the list.
By default, this opens the primary collections, but files from anywhere can be selected.
The selected file is added to the list.
If the "Enable Secondary" box has been ticked in the Options dialog, this opens the secondary collections.
And both the selected file and any corresponding file from the primary collections, are added to the list.
If there is no corresponding collection or file, only the selected file is added to the list.
"Remove" Removes the selected file from the list.
"Move Up" Moves the selected file up one place in the list.
"Move Down" Moves the selected file down one place in the list.

"App" panel

"Options" Opens a dialog for changing configuration options for the fishTop application.
"Help" Shows this screen.
"Cancel" Closes the screen, ignoring any changes.
"Ok" Closes the screen, saving any changes.