fishHymns - Manage Tunes screen

Version: 1.1.1

A dialog to manage the collection of tunes known to fishHymns.

"Tune List" panel

Shows the list of all currently known tunes.

"Tune" panel

"Add" Opens a standard file selection dialog, to select a midi file to copy into the tune collection.
If a file is selected, the "Edit" dialog is opened to allow the specification of meter(s).
"Edit" Opens a dialog to enter or change the list of meters implemented by this tune.
"Play" Play the midi file for the selected tune.
"Stop" If active, can be used to stop playing the midi, before it is finished.
"Rename" Renames the tune, and it's files.
"Delete" Delete the selected tune from the collection, and it's associated files.
Note: This does not delete the original midi file, that was selected in the "Add" dialog.

"All Tunes" panel

"Export" Export all currently defined tunes to "".
"Import" Import tunes from "", without overriding any existing tunes.

"App" panel

"Help" Shows this screen.
"Ok" Closes the screen.


There is no "Cancel" button for this dialog, since it is directly creating, renaming, and deleting files.