fishHymns - Options screen

Version: 1.1.1

"Appearance" panel

"Show 'Stop' button" Check this box to show a button to stop a playing midi file. Useful if the midi player shows no interface.

"Processing mode" panel

"Use collections" If this box is checked, fishHymns integrates with existing hymn collections.
The name of the midi file will be defined by selecting a file from an existing corresponding collection.
A corresponding collection must exist.
Useful if you are creating midi files that should correspond to an existing collection of slides of words.

"Midi Instrument list" panel

Used to control the list of instruments shown in the dropdown list of the "Instrument" field in the "Edit" dialog.
If instruments are selected in this list, then only the selected instruments are available in the "Edit" dialog.
If no instruments are selected here, all midi instruments will be available in the "Edit" dialog.
Multiple instruments can, and usually would, be selected.

"App" panel

"Help" Shows this screen.
"Cancel" Closes the screen, ignoring any changes.
"Ok" Closes the screen, saving any changes.